Things are moving along here on the farm. I’ve been working on planning every seed, plant, and tuber that will be put in the ground this spring. I’ve also been thinking ahead to future crops of perennials that we want to tuck in this fall. The greenhouse spot is cleared off and ready to begin building, and the sheep structure is almost complete for our first lambing season.
Winter can be a difficult season. There are many things to think about and prepare for, but it’s hard to be patient and wait for the right timing. I’m ready to be in the greenhouse starting seeds. Reality: it’s not quite time for me to start anything on my plan! I’m ready to go outside and get my hands in the dirt again...ready for Zach to sharpen my hoe and start knocking out those pesky little weeds…ready for sunny days and spring birds…but not yet. It’s still the season of planning, of resting up for the long seasons of work ahead.
Isn’t it funny how it’s our human nature to be impatient? We’re always ready for the next thing, ready for the next page or chapter in our life story. But sometimes it’s just time to settle down and wait. Enjoy the page you are on. Soak it up because the next page may just be a doozy! You may need the energy you’re storing up on today’s page!
This year marks a major life change for us…again. Some days it’s a real mental struggle for us. Other days we’re ready to face anything head on! At any rate, all any of us can do is take one day at a time. So today I am planning. I’m using my mental energy to make decisions so when the time comes to head out into the fields, I don’t have to make these types of decisions. I can just act.
It’s ok to take a step back and be ok with the tasks you have to do for today. Tomorrow will come with its own demands, its own set of tasks that need attention.
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
Matthew 6:34
The garden is lying in wait for the warm spring sun to bring its “hidden treasures” out of dormancy…or as we like to call them: weeds.