Welcome to Hedgewood Farms!
Dahlia Tubers
We enjoy growing dahlias so much, we want you to be able to enjoy it, too! We grow quality tubers to ship in the spring to your garden.
Wenger Canvas & Leather
Find out what products we currently have in stock from Wenger Canvas & Leather.
Fresh Cut Seasonal Flowers
We enjoy growing seasonal cut flowers for locals and blooms and shrubs for wholesale accounts.
Our Values
The main goal of our farm is to be in sync with nature. The farmers of yesteryear used to feel the rain coming before you could see the clouds. They knew when to plant based on the size of the leaves on the oak trees. They had a hint of the severity of the coming winter based on the thickness of an animal’s fur or insect’s homes. We want to be in nature enough that we can learn from nature and grow with nature, instead of trying to grow in spite of nature.
Another goal that is of utmost importance to us is raising our girls to know the value of working with the land. We want them to understand how to take from the land efficiently, but also how to give back to the land: farming is a give and take relationship. Our girls work right along side us, and often come up with the best ideas of how to do things! We work together, struggle together, and share all of the joys that come from these together.
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Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin…
Matthew 6:28